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Jeffrey Reeves attends SIAS Academic Salon of International Studies


The SIAS warmly welcomed Jeffrey M. Reeves, PhD, an associate professor from the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies in Hawaii, who attended the SIAS Academic Salon of International Studies on March 23, 2015. Scholars from China and the US had an in-depth discussion on “a new type of major power relationship” between the two countries. Other topics debated included the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Sino-Mongolian relations and China’s foreign affairs. 

Reeves pointed out that contradictions and differences exist in major policy departments in the US on the understanding of “a new type of major power relationship” with China. In terms of American efforts to stop allies from joining the AIIB initiated by China, he indicated that the Obama administration had made strategic errors when dealing with the issue; given that the world is increasingly globalized, the US should encourage China to play a broader role in international affairs. 

In consideration of Chinese diplomacy, scholars from the SIAS suggested that with the implementation of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, China is likely to put more emphasis on grand national strategies, prioritize peripheral diplomacy and try to play a bigger role in international affairs. The participants also discussed Mongolian diplomacy and Sino-Mongolian relations.