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SIAS hosts Academic Salon on Terrorism Risks in "One Belt, One Road"


On June 4, 2015, the SIAS hosted an academic salon on terrorism risks in countries along the “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) routes. Thomas Zimmerman from the Center on International Cooperation, New York University, was invited to make a speech. Li Lifan, a research fellow from the Institute of International Relations, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, joined the discussion with young scholars at the SIAS. 

Zimmerman brought up topics concerning counter-terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan, security issues in Central Asia, the US perspective on the OBOR initiative, and security issues in South Asia. After commenting on China-US relations and their influence on policies and politics related to Afghanistan, he discussed with the scholars present various topics, including China-US collaboration on Afghanistan, divergence between China and the US on the idea of counter-terrorism, terrorism in Central Asia, India’s attitude to the OBOR initiative, and the threat of terrorism in OBOR countries in South Asia and Central Asia.